This is your time.
As a Marietta College student, you have the opportunity to build your own community. You are going to meet people from all over the country and world; you are going to learn about other cultures; you are going to learn about service and how to improve the lives of others; and you are going to experience new and exciting things that might become your favorite hobbies.
The Pioneer Activities Council (PAC) — a student-run organization — hosts multiple events every month, ranging from Bingo and Trivia Contests to bringing comedians and musicians to campus to perform in places like The Gathering Place, Izzy's and the Kremer Amphitheatre. PAC also hosts movie nights in the Anderson Hancock Planetarium.
Marietta makes it easy to pursue new interests. There are currently more than 80 student organizations and groups that focus on community service, student government, intramural sports, or culture — each of these are free to students. If you don't see a club that represents your interest, the College will help you start one!
Community Standards
As a residential college, Marietta College strives to ensure that all students are educated on the community standards, rights, and responsibilities that all members of the Marietta College community are both afforded and expected to uphold. The role of the Office of Community Standards, Rights, and Responsibilities is both to provide that education to all community members, as well as resolve allegations of misconduct under Marietta College’s Student Code of Conduct. The Office is committed to ensuring that all students receive a fair process, are educated in their rights and responsibilities, and are treated with respect by all members of the Marietta College community.
Student Conduct
Contact information:
Amanda Mullen
Associate Dean of Students
105 Andrews Hall

Pioneer Pledge
The Marietta College Pioneer Pledge provides the philosophical foundation upon which the Code of Conduct, as described throughout this handbook, is based.
I will always communicate truthfully with all members of the Marietta College community.
I will always hold myself to the highest ethical principles both personally and academically.
I will take responsibility for all of my decisions, and will challenge others to make decisions that put the community’s best interest at the forefront, while holding them accountable for the decisions that they make.
I will treat each individual on campus with respect and learn to appreciate the differences that make each individual and culture within our community unique.
I will be active within our community to make a positive difference, and to help serve those who are taking an initiative to better the lives of others
Want to get away for the weekend? Each day, two bus lines service the city of Marietta and stop at Armory Square
at 241 Front Street. They can take you anywhere from Canada to Mexico-or even your own hometown-for very reasonable rates. Both make connections with Greyhound for passengers to be able to get to their final destinations with ease.
You can also reserve Marietta transportation (van, mini-van) for your next organizational event or outing. Contact for further information.