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*Information on the availability of Teaching Awards and Research Awards for the 2025-26 academic year will be shared as it becomes available.

Innovative Teaching Awards

  • Up to two awards will be made to faculty members who have implemented innovative teaching techniques.
  • Each award can be used as a salary enhancement, for professional development expenses, or for some combination thereof.


  • Faculty members can be nominated by any member of the college community.
  • Self-nomination is encouraged because it makes it easier to complete a high-quality nomination.
  • An innovation that was nominated in a previous year that did not receive the award may be nominated again.

Nomination Instructions

A nomination consists of the following documents:
*Documents Required

  • *Cover Letter of at most one (1) page.
    • Date that the nomination is submitted
    • A brief title to identify the innovation
    • Name and department of the nominee
    • Name and department of the nominator
    • Signature of the nominator
    • Self-nominations must include a signed statement of support from the department chair of the nominee in lieu of nominator requirements.
  • *Description of the Innovation of at most one (1) page. It should consist of narrative describing the innovation. It should include the following information, as appropriate.
    • What was done?
    • In what way is it innovative?
    • What existing approach does it replace or supplement?
    • How long has it been in development?
    • How long has it been put into practice?
    • In what ways was it meant to be an improvement?
    • Is there evidence that it actually was an improvement?
    • Will the innovation lead to lasting change or future related work?
  • At the discretion of the nominator, a summary sheet of selected supporting materials of at most two (2) pages may also be submitted. This document is not required. If submitted, it should consist of selected supporting materials, compiled into a concise document, that has been chosen to present evidence that supports claims made.


  • Nominations should be submitted via email to the Faculty Development Committee chair at

Recipient Selection

  • Award recipients will be determined by the Faculty Development Committee and recipients will be recognized at the Founders Day Ceremony in February. All nominees will be notified of decisions before Founders Day.
  • The following factors are considered when determining winning nominations.
    • Implementation of the innovation must have started no more than 5 years prior to the year of the nomination.
    • How substantial are the curricular changes associated with the innovation?
    • How much time and effort was required to implement the innovation, beyond ordinary teaching responsibilities?
    • To what extent is the innovation an improvement over the existing approach?

Faculty Development Research Awards

  • The Research Award recognizes a faculty member (one award per year) for a significant scholarly contribution to his or her discipline.
  • The award winner will receive an award that can be used for professional development materials or activities.


To be considered for the award, the research product (e.g., book, article, exhibition, performance) will have been produced within the three (3) years prior to the time the award is made. Examples of strong proposals might include:

  • Publication of a book or article (external and peer-reviewed)
  • Production of a work commissioned invited or funded by an external entity
  • Publication, exhibition, or performance in a juried venue
  • A favorable review in an international or national publication
  • External evidence of widespread use of the product in the discipline (e.g., citations, number of libraries holding the book, etc.)
  • Other worthy endeavors


  • Faculty members can be nominated by any member of the college community.
  • Self-nomination is encouraged because it makes it easier to complete a high-quality nomination.
  • A product that was nominated in a previous year that did not receive the award may be nominated again.

Nomination Instructions

A nomination consists of the following documents:

  • A brief letter of nomination
  • A one-page abstract summarizing the research and how it contributes to the discipline
  • A supporting letter from the department chair, or other authority in the discipline, which explains the significance of the contribution and the nature of the venue of publication, exhibition, or performance of the creative product
  • A copy of the publication or other tangible evidence of the product (e.g., photographs of an exhibition). Copies will be returned to the applicant after the decision has been made.
  • It is recommended that the applicant also include supplementary supporting material, e.g., reviews of the product, brochures from an exhibit, letters from the commissioning organization, etc.


  • Nominations should be submitted via e-mail to the Faculty Development Committee chair at

Recipient Selection

  • Award recipients will be determined by the Faculty Development Committee and recipients will be recognized at the Founders Day Ceremony in February. All nominees will be notified of decisions before Founders Day.
  • Award money must be used within 18 months of the award being granted or it will be forfeited.